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Will You Cross The


Forbidden Seas?


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Your pelt swayed as the Enchanting Breeze hit your pelt, Waves slammed onto the shore hitting the Exquisite Sand, Allowing your paws to sink deeper in the sand the tiny grains engulfing your paws. The Captivating Noises of your surroundings filled your Aduits, sending you in a new unfimilar calming state.

You soon snapped out of your trance to realize you were in unfimilar territory, several thoughts swirling in your mind as he began to panic, lifting your muzzle upwards as he drew in scents, just to be sure. Only the faint scent of Prey and the Salty Sea filled your Nostrals.

You let out a relieved Sigh as you Contined to Amble around the New Terrian taking in the Alluring sights.

All of a sudden you heard a Faint steps, Your pelt began to bristle as he braced yourself your (E/C) Wide as you whipped around to see nothing...

You let out a small relieved sigh and turned around about to contiune your journey, only to be tackled by an Ebony She-cat, her Claws ran along your shoulder as she leaned forward a Hiss erupting from her throat as she raised her Paw in the manner to Claw your Windpipe.

Your Braced your self thoughts running through your mind as you mumbled,

"So this is how I die.."

All of a sudden a Loud Voice introdued your thoughts, the voice having a Husky but Smooth tone a hint of athority lingered in his voice as he spoke.

"Shadow I believe that's enough, You've scared (Him/Her) enough, let me handle this." A Masculine Voice rang out, a stern tone taken as he finished speaking.

The Ebony feline ontop of you sighed, Glaring at you before she released her grip, leaping to the feline who you assumed had spoken.

You gulped and hauled yourself upwards, attempting to keep calm under the felines gaze, but failing as you noticed yourself shrinking under their gaze, shaking uncontrollaby.

You looked towards the feline who had spoken, He was a Stricking Tom with a Light Brown pelt, his underbelly an Enchanting Black, Irregular Dark Brown Markings ran along his body as his Seagreen gaze locked with your (E/C) ones.

The Felines beside him were just as stunning, most of them seeming Slender others with Broad Shoulders and Toned Muscles.

One of the felines beside him spoke,"What will you do with (Him/Her) Amnis?" A Masculine like Feline asked, muffled due to the Herbs held in his jaws, the Tom was an Alluring Dark Grey and Brown, his Gaze locked with Amnis.

"You'll see Oak," He Hummed and Ambled towards you an Eerie Gleam entering his Seagreen gaze as he Towered of you Shaken form.

"You have two choices..." He begin, pausing as he saw your Aduits Gradually perk.

"You can Join The Forbidden Seas, or, Well I doubt you'd like the Second option." He Meowed a Daunting tone taken with the last phrase as the Feline he called Shadow, her Emerald gaze lit up as her Claws sank into the Sand sending you a Corrupt Smirk.

The She-cat beside her smirked and looked towards her Sovereign, her Alluring Maroon Shaded gaze Constricting as She softly spoke,"We get to have a little fun if she/he declines?" She Meowed

Amnis glanced behind him and gaze a single nod,"Indeed Hollow."

"I'll Join!" You Yelped Leaping away your Pelage still bristled and your Eyes wide.

"Excellent Choice." He Purred his Guard suddenly dropping as he sent you a kind smile.

"Sorry Shadow and Hollow, not today" He Hummed as he Bounded back towards the Group.

He glanced behind him noticing you hadn't moved,

"You coming?" He Meowed.

You nodded about to Amble towards them when the felines began to speak in Unision,

"You Cant Cross the Sea merely by Standing and Staring at the Water..."

Valid Information


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FOUNDED | 7/12/2017
FOUNDER | Jammer15230 STATUS | Active
REALM | Light/Neutral SPECIES | Domestic Felines/ Felis Catus ROLEPLAY | Descriptive Traditional/Advanced

SERVER| Pyrenees ((CrystalSands, Zios))


TAG COLOR | DarkBlue
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Member Count

|- | style="text-align:center;color:white;" |

1. Splode - Oak

2. Kelissy123 - Shadow

3. Puppys456ljiy - Fern

4. Galaxywaffles0 - Lovely

5. Jojofrankie - Breeze

6. Lpsanimaljam3- Clover

7. Echonose - Dust

8. Wolfyfang - Echo

9. Howlingmoonsouls- Spirit

10. Princesstinybeast12 - Slate

11.Jammer55267 - Vanish

12. XXIlluminationzXX - Moon

13. Jmanimalover - Darkness

14.Jammer14z8- Dovekit

15. Pearliesrevenge-Lunar

16.New Jammer-Dusk

17. Crazzimiffins- worn





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Will Change once School Starts Event/Plot Pacific timezone Eastern timezone Central timezone Mountain timezone
Monday X 2 p.m to 8 p.m 5 p.m to

11 p.m

4 p.m to

10 p.m

3 p.m to

9 p.m

Tuesday X 2 p.m to 8 p.m 5 p.m to 11 p.m 4 p.m to 10 p.m 3 p.m to 9 p.m
Wednesday X 2 p.m to 8 p.m 5 p.m to 11 p.m 4 p.m to 10 p.m 3 p.m to 9 p.m
Thursday X 2 p.m to 8 p.m 5 p.m to 11 p.m 4 p.m to 10 p.m 3 p.m to 9 p.m
Friday X 2 p.m to 8 p.m 5 p.m to 11 p.m 4 p.m to 10 p.m 3 p.m to 9 p.m
Saturday X All day All day All day All day
Sunday X All day All day All day All day
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7/12/2017: Today Forbidden Seas has Officially Open!

8/7/2017:  We Bid farwell to, Pilot, Flood, and Darkstorm.



1. Drama

Please, I shouldnt have to explain this one. We don't need Unnecessary drama which means, no walking into camp with Blood on you just because you wanna seem cool. Don't fight a Fake Animal or fake anything, we only allow that during plots so please don't start senseless things, doesn't matter if you were 'bored' thats not an excuse.

2. Double Grouping

Like any other group, Forbidden Seas does not allow you to be in another group it doesn't matter what kind of Oc you'd use in the other group, If you double group often Forbidden Seas might not be the group for you.

3. Powerplaying

I understand some felines aren't as advanced as others but powerplaying is not an option you must roleplay reasonably, we dont need a feline ignoring an attacking during a spar or during a fight, it's unfair, and please be semi releastic.

4. Ocs

Forbidden Seas only allows One Oc for now, considering it gets confusing and can keep you from doing your current rank's job.

5. Disrespect

Do not disrespect eachother, I could care less for the reason, this is a MAJOR rule if it's broken serious punishments will be immediently handed out to both parties.

6. Obey the Sovereign

The Sovereign's word is law it must not be broken, if you disobey the Soverign a Major punishment will be given due to this rule being serious as well.

7. Sexuality

This group is proud to whom they are and if you have a problem with us allowing the same gender mates or using ocs that aren't our current gendern, if you disagree or cause problems over this then this isn't the place for you, if you join and disrespect or yell at felines with the mate of the same gender or just having a different sexuality then you will be either given a punishment or Banished on the spot.

8. Departing

When you leave you are only allowed to come back two times, we are not a hotel, we are not a group that you can come to when ever you wish to.

9. Names

We allow both 'Clan Names' and 'Rouge Names' due to us being a Tribe/Clan it seemed fitting.

10. Attire

Follow the Dress Code please, we don't want you being all purple and saying you're a realistic feline.

11. Battles

When you've taken place in an actual fight against a roleplay and if you end, please accept it, Dont complain about it either, whats done is done. If the feline powerplayed then alright but if you just make up that they did just to save yourself, please dont.

12. Territory

Please only go on our Server and Aldan (Not during Clan time for Aldan) Don't wonder onto another groups territory just because, and please dont prevork fights with other groups either. If you do so a Punishment will be handed out or even Exile.

13. Goofing off

When the Tribe/Sovereign is on it's classified as Roleplay time and we expect you to roleplay as well, now if everyone is goofing off and not roleplaying then it's acceptable, but if a few or all wish to roleplay seriously we expect you to roleplay as well. The Sovereign isn't on you are still able to Roleplay so please don't use it as an excuse or feel uncomfortable about it, but when the Sovereign is on, it's automatically roleplay time.


(Keep in mind that these punishments depend on what you did)


1. Clawed Limb

2. Demoted to Novice

3. Demoted to Youth

4. Roleplaying to clean every single moss until the Mercenary or Sovereign says to stop

5. No prey for a certian amount of time

6. Held in camp for a certain amount of time

7. Public Humiliation


1. Drowned

2. Boiling Water from Glistening Mountians (MT) dumped onto you

3. Yarrow stuffed down your throat till there's nothing left to throw up ((This is more of a thing for prisoners btw -Amnis))

4. Poisoned with the choice of herb/poision from the Mercenaries and Sovereign

5. Exile

6. Forced to starve

7. Killed quickly

8. Banished for a certain amount of time

9. You'll be given a wounder and tossed out into deep waters, we will wait until we see that you're eaten by Sharks.


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Sovereign Proxy

⦕ 1/1 ⦖

((Not Requestable/Not Challengeable))



⦕ 1/1

((Not Requestable/Not Challengable))



The Sovereign is the Leader of Forbidden Seas, He/She makes the best choice for the Tribe/Clan no matter what. They put the Tribe/Clan in front of their self being and protect it with all they have, their word is to be obeyed, they always have the last say in anything. They're also Highly respected.

The Proxy is the Feline who takes over once the Sovereign has passed from this life, He/She is basically another set of paws, someone the Sovereign can lean on and consult to, the Proxy is Highly respected since they will once rule this Place, they also make decisions with the Sovereign.

Head Mercenary Warlord

⦕ 1/1 ⦖

((Not Requestable))


⦕ 1/1 ⦖

((Not Requestable Rank is earned/Not Challengeable)) thumb|center|110px|link=GamerGirl2002/Wind

The Head Mercenary is a trusted feline in the Tribe/Clan. He/She is highly respected and only takes orders from the Sovereign due to their highly dangerous and important role. He/She is in Charge of the other Mercenaries as well, They teach the regular Mercenaries how to control their emotions and Spy, and Torture.

This feline is in charge of handling Battle Plans and making new ones. He/She Will organize Sparring and Battle lines with the permission from both the Sovereign and Proxy. This Feline his Highly Respected through out our Tribe/Clan

Mercenary Combatant

⦕ 1/3 ⦖

((Not Requestable/Challangeable))


Dogthecool32/ Sierra 

⦕ 10/∞ ⦖

((Requestable/Challangeable)) thumb|center|140px|link=

The Mercenary are the felines trained to Spy and Torture, considering this is a really important role, they only follow orders from the Sovereign and Head Mercenary.

The Combatants are the Felines that Hunt, Fight, and Guard the Forbidden Seas, There may be a lot of them but that doesn't mean they're not important, they're the felines who fight for us. These Felines are respected as well, considering they Hunt, and Protect all of us.

Head Shaman Shaman/Shaman Novice

⦕ 0/1 ⦖

((Unrequestable/Not Challengable))


⦕ 0/2 ⦖

((Requestable/Not Challengeable)) thumb|center|140px|link= N/A

Head Shamans are in charge of teaching and watching over the other shamans, they're very experienced felines when it comes to healing the Tribe/Clan and they watch over the Shamans to make sure they're dealing their job correctly. They also receive Prophecies from our Ancestors and our Connected to them.

These felines are trained in the Medical field and Heal the Tribe/Clan. These felines are highly respected and are also spiritually connected towards our ancestors

Novice Gaurdians

⦕ 3/



⦕ 1/5 ⦖

((Requestable/Not Challengable)) thumb|center|120px|link=Puppys456ljiy/Fern

Novices are our future Combatants or Shamans, they are trained to be reach the next rank. These Felines are as respected as everyone else but we know they will achieve great things.

The Guardians are the Felines who watch over the Youths/Kits, these felines are Highly respected due to their job most likely being the worst out of all of us, and the Seas only know how much a handful Youths are.

Youth Sage

⦕ 0/


⦕ 0/5⦖

Youths are the Future of our Clan, they aren't respected as much as others but we know they will become great felines once they have became a Novice.

Sages are the felines unable to preform their former ranks task, they are the felines who have served Forbidden Seas for a long time but can no longer and are respected for their former tasks as they retire to a life of luxury.

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Editors and Credit

First Editor



Polaris of Celestial Hunters ((Amnis Best friend))

Lark/Finn of Luminousclan ((Friend))

HoneyStar of DappleClan ((Inactive friend))

Amnis ((Former Sovereign; created this Page))






Groups Name Leaders OC name Leaders Username Orientation Species Member Count
Chained Delusions Akira Majestictiger Dark Canis Lupus/Canidae 40
Demiurge Caedis Luccvi Dark Canis Lupus/Canidae 14
Hounds of Dismay Tba? Tba? Dark Canis Lupus 3
Twilightclan (VioletMoonStar) Hollystar VioletMoonstar Dark Felis Catus/Domestic Felines 17
The Greek Olympians Dakota Mavisdawerewolf Neutra/Dark Canis Lupus/Feral Felines 7
Nightclan Midnightstar Starlitmoon212 Dark Felis'Catus/Domestic






Groups Name Leaders OC name Leaders username Orientation Species Member Count




Groups Name Leaders OC name Leaders username Orientation Species Member Count Reason for being Rival
You Don't Want To Be Our Rival



Plot Name Plot Type Felines Involed How it Will Affect Us Description of Plot When Will the Plot Take Place? Other
Attack of the Rouges Natural Everyone Some felines might end, prey Will be Scarce  Rogues Have Invaded our Territory, They Attack Hunting and Border Patrols and Steal Prey. On Hold N/A




Shared Account?:

OC Name:

Gender/Sex(With Preferred Pronouns):

Desired Rank:

Hunting Example:

Fighting Example:

Treatment Example (If signing up for Shaman this is necessary):

Appearance (Realistic Picture if possible along with a description):

Loyalty Oath:

How you found us:

Reason for Joining:



Group Name & Link:

Member Count:

Leader's Username(s):

Leader's Name:

Deputy's User(s):

Deputy's Name:

Realm(Dark, Light, Neutral etc.):

Current Alliances:

Current Enemies:

Roleplay Example From The Leader(s):

Benefits for both sides:

Reason(s) for Alliance:

We do not accept Rival Forms!

You. Do. Not. Want. To. Be. Our. Rival.

Group Name & Link:

Leader's Name:

Leader's Username:

Deputies Name:

Deputies Username:

Reason: ((You Must have a VALID reason not just because of senseless things))

We are Aloud to Decline these forms, we don't have to put you as a Rival even if you have a reason, which is unlikely, so don't get upset or throw a fit over it.

Reason(s) for leaving:

Do you wish for your oc to be known as deceased?:

Loyalty Oath withdrawing:

How we can Improve:


Plot Name:

Plot Type (Natural Disaster, Prophecy etc.):

Feline's Involved((Prefer it if it Involves Everyone)):

How it will affect Forbidden Seas:


